A Cozy Fall Night

It's getting to be that time of year when we'd rather stay in with a good book or movie, wrapped in a blanket with a candle softly glowing in the background. And lots of popcorn and pumpkin flavored things. (Oh wait, that's just me?) I love exploring NYC but when the weather gets colder it's hard to resist the comforts of your sofa. So, we've got the perfect cozy fall night planned for you. 

A Great Book

I've read a number of great books recently so here's a few for whatever mood you're in. Feeling nerdy? - The Martian. Want family warmth plus wine? - Eight Hundred Grapes. Thinking about what a post-apocalyptic future would look like? - Seveneves

A Warm Blanket/Throw

I've been in love with one particular blanket for the past few years to the point where I've named it. I actually got it from Costco but unfortunately, they don't seem to have the same one in stores anymore. Lesson learned - if you love something, buy 10 of it. 

A Candle

Our current favorite is the Pumpkin Souffle candle from Illume. If you don't like your candles to smell like any type of food these candles from Capri Blue are gorgeous and smell like an island getaway.