Inspirational Desktop Background

I don't know about you but the one thing I look at everyday without fail is my computer and in turn, my computer background. Why not give yourself a little mini pep talk every time you close your tabs? Here is one of my favorite quotes that I've made into desktop background for you!



Favorite Work Snacks

I typically always have a bad case of the munchies around exactly 4:00pm everyday at work. As many of my friends can attest, a hungry me is not a fun me. Though we have snacks at work (yes, I'm very lucky!) I like to keep a stash of the good, healthy stuff on my desk so I don't go rooting around for the chips or candy at 3:59pm. Recently, I've fallen in love with these Harvest Snapea Crisps from Whole Foods and these Figgy Pops Supersnacks from Costco (thankfully you can find both on Amazon!). You can find dried snappea snacks in a lot of places nowadays but I find that these Harvest Snaps have the perfect amount of salt and crunch. And those Figgy Pops? Saves me the trouble of making energy snackballs every Sunday and is a completely healthy way to indulge your sweet tooth after lunch. With these two snacks, I can stay on track for my health goals beyond January. 

Sick Days

January seems to be the one month where I can always consistently say that I WILL get a cold of some sort. Maybe it's the change in weather or coming off of the holidays - I'm really not quite sure. However, it's pretty much a guarantee at this point. This past week has been my 2016 version of the January cold and it has not been fun, let me tell you that. Here are my tried and true methods to imbue a bit of comfort into your day (or week) when you're feeling sick, tired or generally rundown. 

1. A good cup of tea

Nothing beats a hot, steaming mug of tea with honey and lemon juice when you're feeling low. My current favorite tea company is Harney & Sons but any brand will do! I stick to green tea during the day and something herbal at night so that you don't mess up your sleeping schedule. The slightest bit of caffeine can make my tired body go in the opposite direction and not fall asleep. I'm jealous of all you people who can nap! 

2. A good TV show (not movie)

I say TV show because movies are way too finite during a cold. You want to know you won't have to get up or think too much about what to put on next. This isn't time for that new, avant garde film or TV show. Pick something in your favorite genre (mine typically runs action/spy thriller to British period shows) that you've been meaning to watch and/or will distract your mind! My current TV favorites are Vikings and Downton Abbey but for this past week I have caught up on everything from Quantico to Mindy Project. 

3. A good friend

Having someone come over and distract you from how miserable you feel is probably the thing that helps me the most. I wouldn't say this works for everyone but when you're midway through your cold, having someone to distract you with their stories or presence can really make a difference. Sometimes even just having someone sitting next to you can help pick up your spirit. 

How do you guys deal with a nasty cold or feeling rundown? I'd love to hear your thoughts!